Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy St. Patricks Day!

Celebrating the leprechaun. The kids had so much fun making their little hats and of course loved the prizes. After wonderful sugar cookies from my "friend" who likes to contribute to the sugar levels at my house the kids were extremely happy!

Waiting for Spring

I was looking out the window the other day and spotted this cute little scene. I guess Darci is ready to take on the toys with or without the snow.


Okay, so I know that it looks like destruction, but at the same time it means progress. Carson has been working really hard on our basement this past month. Currently I am using a ladder to get up and down from the basement (laundry is entertaining). I have to say that I really don't mind the ladder right now because the progress that I see is awesome! I am so excited for this project to progress. Just one more story for the adventures of remodeling! Hey I got to keep my steps to my backroom for a little longer! Wahoo!

Time for the Dentist

Darci found these the other day and was so proud of herself. I couldn't stop giggling. It is a good thing she's cute! Oh and on the note of the cute comment this is a conversation that I want to remember, so I'll post it here too..........

Aunt Adella: Darci why are you so cute?

Darci: Because my mom's mad at me.

OOPS! I guess I should find something else to say when she is in trouble! :-)